Sunday, January 27, 2013

Give Me That Mac & Cheese!

We have a new nephew!  We are so excited to welcome Bennett Brady Smith into the wild, little boy-filled fold of the Ashton side.  Once again, living in the southeast has been such a blessing.  We got to see Bennett already, and get in on that day-old baby fun.  He is so sweet.  Thanks again Hannah and Chad for letting us visit!

Being in the hospital, I got to thinking about our summer baby who is growing.  I feel as though the queasiness and extreme fatigue are abating. I'm still eating frequently since an empty stomach is bad news, but I don't have that constant nauseous feeling. 

As a result, I feel I can finally write up an incident that occurred a few weeks ago, at the peak of morning sickness city.  As a responsible pregnant woman, I've been upping my water intake.  Normally I drink quite a bit of water throughout the day, but I found that even drinking plain water was not pleasant on my stomach.  Nevertheless, I attempted to drink a Nalgene per day and hoped that the rest of the fluid needed would be found in food.  I'm supposed to have 8-12 eight ounce glasses a day, mind you.  Not a feat unless you have to force yourself to put anything in your mouth. 

One day, the boys had Arthur-shaped macaroni and cheese at lunch, with peas mixed into it.  The rest of the day went on as usual.  Zach and I got ready for bed, and I went to fill up my Nalgene.  As the water went in, I saw something strange floating up.  Well friends, it was a two-year old sized handful (or two) of mac and cheese that had been flavoring my water for the past ten hours.  Gag.  So gross.  Sure, the water didn't taste good to me all day, but it hadn't recently anyway.  I did not vomit at the time, but I still cannot use that red's forever tainted to me.

Thanks, Caelum.  And thanks, Anna, for being so oblivious to things adrift in your drink.  Come on, second trimester!  Three more weeks.

Monday, January 7, 2013


"Mom?  Let me pray for you and the baby: Dear God, I thank you for this newborn baby in Mommy's belly. Help it to grow big and strong and not be dead. And help Mommy to feel better."