Saturday, March 15, 2014

Contrast and Compare

Hannah is so good about doing comparison posts of her kids.  It's always interesting to notice the similarities between the siblings and reflect on how quickly time passes and the babies move on to the next stage.  Here are my babies, all around six or seven months:
Can you tell who is who?  It's not really far since Esmé is almost always in something girly. Owen is the one on the Clemson blanket.  I look at the picture of Caelum and I just see Esmé, but then check out this bonus Owen picture:
That looks like Esmé!  Her eyes are definitely going to darken, like Owen's eyes. And I presume her hair will be dark too. She's going be a looker like her Daddy, I can tell already.
Nobody puts baby in a corner!
In other Esmé news, she rollllls to get around.  She starts on a blanket in the middle of the room and then gets herself into a corner in a matter of minutes.  She sits up like a champ and prefers to sit and watch the activity than to be in her bouncy seat or lying down.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Good Grounds

Joel.  Such a giver.  All I had to do was give him a call and say, "Hey brother, will you drive 12 hours in the car with your wife and five kids, all to help Zach fix the deck?"  And they did! We were so glad to finally get our deck reinforced, so that we can comfortably use the sunroom without fearing collapse.  And of course we were ready to spend time with the Mannings and give them a chance to meet Esmé.

The Mannings were there when I got home from Florida, so I was able to see two out of three siblings in one day! Pour one for my homie, Jason.  I'm hoping we can see you guys soon.
Joel and his "helpers"
So much engineering prowess in this picture
Anyway, Zach and Joel worked hard and quickly on the deck and got it done in a day.  That left time for games, playing in the yard, and hiking during the rest of the visit. My parents spent a few hours with us on Saturday and took all the grandkids out for donuts and a park trip.  We met up with my parents again on Sunday when we went hiking after church.  Turns out I didn't get any pictures of that, but we went to Triple Falls and High Falls, and it was a beautiful day.  You'll just have to take my word for it.
Ticket to Ride
Pompeii - yes, you get to drop the game pieces into the volcano
I was relieved that the weather was perfect and glad that the Illinoisans were provided a break from negative temperatures and many feet of snow. The Good Grounds Manning kids are so sweet and play nicely together. I love when siblings are kind to one another (and to my kids, obviously!).

Steph and some of the girls on the swingset

Precious Caralee

Uncle Zach making ginormous bubbles

Picnic in the front this can be done on the deck!

Cadence and Haven are tall and old suddenly!

Gramma in full gramma-mode
Joel and Steph love to be productive, and it really worked in our favor.  After the deck was done, they were ready for another project. Six months ago, Zach and I had bought a massive art piece (ie rusty metal thing) done by a local Asheville artist.  Because we're hip like that.  We knew just where we wanted to put it in the living room, but it would be a little precarious. Read: wood plank balanced on a ladder, balanced on the steep stairs. So it sat in our garage for a long time. With Joel and Steph's help, it finally got hung!

Everyone rejoicing! (Carly is being held up in the staircase, not dangling over the rail)
Lots of action
Esmé squashing Carly
All in all, a delightful and purposeful weekend.  I'm thankful for helpful siblings, precious nieces and nephews, present grandparents, and great memories.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sister Sister

My priorities when naptime roll around (presuming I got a decent amount of sleep the night before and don't instantly run to take a nap when all three children magically coordinate their naps):
Clean the kitchen, wash the floor, read and have a cookie and tea, and then, maybe, just maybe, update my blog.

Today is one of those special days. 
Two weeks ago I went to visit Rachel on a much belated "Welcome to the World, Dylan" trip. My parents watched Owen and Caelum, Zach had a peaceful house to himself, and Esmé and I had a lovely excursion together. Rachel and I had really enjoyed being pregnant at the same time, for the first time ever. As I had guessed, being together with our babies was even better.  Esmé and Dylan are only seven weeks apart, so we are very much in the same cycle of breastfeeding, diapers, and cooing at the baby. 
One of the best parts of being in Tallahassee at their very new house was spending time with the big Braun Boys. Usually, when my boys are around, the kids all run off and play together and we barely see them. Much to Owen and Caelum's chagrin, I got to play with the boys all by myself!
So many nephews to love
I drove the boys to school each morning, which was so fun since I don't have to do it all year.
Ethan made me a marker and melted my heart with his sweetness.
Cole and I had lots of good bonding time.
Including a special trip to the park
And a treasure luck though.
Rachel sure has her act together, especially for having a c-section four months ago.  The footage of which, I might add, I watched with relish.  That is some intense, beautiful stuff.
Note their awesome house
She's even making lasagna!
The Braun boys were great with Esmé.  They were sweet, gentle, and helpful.  It's clear that they are accustomed to having a baby around and they enjoyed making her laugh.
Tyler is an old pro at this baby thing.  And how about those adorable glasses?
Tyler feeding Dylan some cereal.

Ethan entertaining Esmé
Sweet Cole and Esmé

Adam is so good with babies as well.  He watched the two of them while Rachel and I drove Cole to preschool, got a pastry, and took a tour around town.  Adam put the babies to work and successfully got them both down for naps.
Dylan is a good-natured, easy, smiley baby...unless he's in his car seat.
Selfie with DCT
Esmé is big enough for an Exersaucer! Huzzah!
I get all weird, dependenty when I'm about to leave my family, but I must say, it was easier to go with my daughter in tow. She did surprisingly well on the four flights and slept better in Dylan's crib than she does at home.  And how sweet does she look in a summery dress, surrounded by Spanish moss?

Sleeping on the plane.  Phew!

Thighs, I mean Esmé, was intrigued by the swampy topography
We had to do a quick photo shoot with the two cousins. It's hard to get the two babies smiling at the same time, though Tyler was doing his very best to get them to do so.  It was a wonderful trip.  Thanks again for having us, Rach!
Beautiful babies

My favorite outtake

Dylan is as long as E, but not quite as roly poly.

Such a good aunt!