Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nakey Baby Otter

When Rachel and her boys were in town, we went to the Nature Center and Caelum was cracking up over the otters. 

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

And I Was Like Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh!

Since I will be 16 weeks tomorrow, I guess it is about time for a baby update, especially considering the last post on baby was announcing the pregnancy.   We've had two doctor appointments so far and I'll have another one this week.  It's a small Christian practice and one of the doctors actually goes to my church.  Have I made that situation as awkward as possible? You bet!  So far, so good with this practice, but if you know me, you'd know I'd rather have a midwife.  Unfortunately, our insurance won't cover it this time around, but my doula (Zach) and I are confident we know what we're doing enough this time around to have the kind of natural birth I want in a doctory, hospital setting...if God chooses for me to have the desire of my heart in this matter.  There's your Presbyterian caveat.

We had an ultrasound at eight weeks to date the pregnancy and the baby was a squirmy little peanut.  The doctor (the one from our church) was great about getting Owen involved and talking to the boys about the baby.  The second appointment was your standard five minutes with the doctor, but we did get to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler for the first time.  The heart rate was 170, which is fast even for that age, but both the boys always had fast heart rates.  And yes, I did double check that the old wives' tale about faster heart rates meaning a baby girl was false.  So no hint as to the baby's sex yet! I'll let you know for sure in about 24+ weeks.

I've been feeling much better regarding nausea and fatigue.  I did have one brief, surprising bout of morning sickness at 14 weeks, when I thought I was well clear of that nastiness.  I was actually in a packed out yoga class at the Y, after finally getting my lazy butt there following weeks of, "Erghhh, but I'm pregnant!  And sleepy!  And queasy!"   I thought I was having a coughing fit, then ran out of the room to explode vomit all over the bathroom.   And that's why we don't exercise, people.

Overall, I think I'm safely into that "2nd trimester honeymoon period" and my days have been much more productive.  Owen is finally having "school" again and though my house is not up to normal cleanliness standards, it is functionally clean (eg you can walk around in it without stepping on a toy/cereal/pile of laundry).  Most days, at least.   My belly is looking large, and not just to me.  I met a woman the other day and right away she said, "When are you due?"  I said, "What? I'm not pregnant!"  She said, "Yeah right, honey, you're too far along for that trick to work."

I have felt the baby move a few times, which is always delightful.  It seemed early to me, but when I looked up what happened with the boys, I felt them both moving around 15/16 weeks.  Now you're all caught up on my pregnancy.  I should have some ultrasound pictures for you in a few weeks as well, so get excited.