Saturday, December 20, 2014

Get Behind Me, Santa!

How could such a sweet face manage to get the whole family sick? Well, I can guess actually: open-mouth kisses, sharing her food, chewing on everything. No matter how the transfer happened, it happened. We were supposed to host our fellowship group's Christmas party, but we cancelled an hour before as Esmé woke up from her nap with an "extra blanket," let's call it. We all lost a week to a nasty virus.  I don't really want to rehash what that was like, so how about some cute pictures of the kiddos?

This is how germs spread, guys!

A few days ago, I found our "Christmas Countdown" from last year which we had hung on the mantle.  I had cut out these 25 cute Christmas shapes and each day we would take one down and then do the "special Christmas activity" on the back.  I didn't even think of it this year.  I suddenly worried that we hadn't been anticipating Christmas enough.  We have been using the Jesus Storybook Bible for our advent and I made (read: printed, cut, and taped somebody else's) corresponding ornaments. But now, seeing these pictures, I feel like there's been a lot of Christmassy festivities.
Christmas tree shopping - that bow, Queenie!

Decorating the tree

Caelum got to put the angel on top, which was "a little scary"

Decorating Gingerbread cookies
Christmas at the Biltmore House

Gingerbread house makin' with the homeschool friends
"Winters Tail" Christmas at the Nature Center. Esmé strongly declined sitting with Santa
Gingerbread House Exhibition at the Grove Park Inn with friends
Also, we took a "Journey to Bethlehem" at a local church where they recreated the city.  The boys get more out of it each year.  Caelum was really into the Roman soldiers, of course.  Wait til he sees what he's getting for Christmas (spoiler alert: armor). We also sang Christmas carols to our elderly friends at Highland Farms. So I guess we've been in Christmas mode for a while. 
Zach prepares in his own way: a plate of mashed potatoes and gravy.
Merry Christmas! Enjoy celebrating our Savior's birth!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

It's Musiiiiic!

Our Classical Conversations fall semester has been over for a month now, but I feel it would be remiss of me if I didn't post a little bit about the "variety show."

Background: CC South Asheville (the co-op group we did last year) had reached capacity, with about eight families on the waiting list.  They decided to start another South Asheville group which would meet three minutes from our house (as opposed to 15 minutes like the other one).  There were probably six families from our church with us in the original group, and I felt like we needed to branch out and meet some new families - albeit, still mainly Christian homeschoolers...not too stretching, I guess.
The new group is much smaller.  Owen is in the 5-7 year old class (pictured above, minus one kid) and as you can guess, he loves it. It's been nice getting to know a new group of people and Owen had no problem making the switch, though some of his best buds were in the other group.  We still see those guys at least once a week between church and our fellowship group, so I knew the friendships would hold strong.
 I am so glad that Cae is such a trooper when it comes to CC.  It is particularly helpful as Esmé is less obliging. Some babies just hate  missing their morning nap
Our little corner that I claimed each week and tried to keep Esmé from scooting out of.
Now on to the good stuff. To celebrate the end of the semester, the director organized a potluck and show for the kids to participate in. Anyone could do anything they wanted to do...on a stage...with a microphone.  You can imagine how that went.  Let me give you one example: Owen.  He played "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on his tin whistle, with Zach and Es holding the music for him.  It was short, sweet, and appropriate, as they had been learning how to play the tin whistle during Music.  After he finished, he grabbed the mic and yelled, "Yeahhhhhhhhh!  Woooooooh!"  This shouldn't have surprised me as Owen was MCing during the rehearsal: "Next up, we have Hope singing a song from Frozen. IN COSTUME!!!" No fear of stage fright for this kid.  We've signed him up for drama classes this January because hey, we're homeschoolers.  That's the kind of stuff we do.  And he is going to love it. 
The group of younger kids then sang America the Beautiful and the President's Song, both of which Caelum participated in, loudly and clearly.  My kids placed themselves front and center. We're a shy bunch, we are.  The video clip isn't uploading, but consider yourself spared.